Browse Items (28 total)

These notes are from the early production of the Anna Clift Smith project and show us that our mystery "Joe" from the Journal may have been Mrs. Geraldine Briggs.

An image showing the view of Pulpit Rock at sundown from Van Buren Point.

Image showing the view of Pulpit Rock from Van Buren Bay towards the site of Anna's home.

Chapter V describes provisioning for the winter.

A beautiful hand-painted postcard Anna sent to a friend.

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Post Card Anna sent to one of her friends

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Dear Joe, Today I made a pie. It was a wond'rous pie! (Now you must take my word for it, It really is no lie). The filling first I stirred around, With sugar and with spice. (The recipe it called for milk, I substituted ice). Cloves, cinnamon and…

Once in a great while I have a streak of energy. In those rare moments I hastily grab my painting kit and sally forth in quest of a picture - I don't always get it, but sometimes I do. The other morning as I sat by the sitting room window, I happened…

This is a photograph of Mae that Anna had hand-colored in.

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A photograph was found of Anna's beloved collie, Mae.
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